Originally Posted by rainshot
Washington politicians live and work in a bubble. They are carrying on the cold war that was defeated by Reagan in the 80's. The military industrial complex needs a patsy to keep military spending up. The CIA and FBI along with the other agencies have been corrupt from their inception. They create a problem and support their own solution that only exacerbates the problem. We have been chasing our tails over Russia since WWII. FDR supported Hitler and the Nazi regime until he had to abandon it because of the possibility of their world domination. our politicians are buffoons being controlled by big money lobbyists that finance their campaigns if they play by their rules. At present we have only an appearance of a government. Too many politicians have lived in Washington drinking that ideology for too long. They ignore the Constitution in order to play by their own rules in deference to the written laws of our founding.
I am not a great fan of Russia but I believe we owe it to our founding principals to live in peace with them. They would not be so much at odds with us if we were supporting them and trading with them. We have traditionally treated Russia as an enemy. Why would they act otherwise. If someone continues to slap you in the face why would you submit to their crime?

That's pretty much it. Now prepare for Old Toot/Houston 2/Direct Drive/TDinka to tell you how stupid and unpatriotic you are.