Originally Posted by Greyghost
None of you fools can post anything even resembling the truth. Those that get their information from YouTube, X, Truth Social or whatever it's called now. Are just pushing trump propaganda. No more truth to it than if trump or putin were speaking it themselves. Neither of which could speak truth if their lives depended on it. Ukraine is a long way from capitulation, in truth they are close to becoming NATO members, if not for the U.S. they already would be. putin hasn't gained any ground in months and the little that he had gained cost them dearly. As to the [bleep] that stated that Ukraine has dropped the age of conscription to 17, its 25, it was 27 but they just recently dropped it to 25. You all need to get your facts straight. You look like the traitors that you are.

Oh, and putin's latest fumble, painting his airfields with phony aircraft and helicopters to try and fool Ukraines drones. Might have worked if he hadn't continued to use the airfields. You just don't land aircraft on top of other aircraft. And Ukraine damn sure didn't miss that fact. LOL....


Trump propaganda!? You stupid m'fker! Trump has nothing to do with it. He's not anywhere near where the decisions are being made.

Dumbass troll chkunt.

Slaves get what they need. Free men get what they want.

Rehabilitation is way overrated.

Orwell wasn't wrong.

GOA member
disappointed NRA member