Originally Posted by aether_tech
And you're to stupid to understand Russia, China, Iran, NK, etc want to take away all your rights so you cheer for them.

ok, sock.
We have been fighting in wars outside our nation and intervening in disputes all around the world since the Spanish-American war. What have we gained besides enemies? What has the rest of the world gained?

Things such as the Pearl Harbor attack and the 9-11-01 attacks didn't happen in a vacuum. They resulted from our international adventures.

I guess all those countries you mentioned do bear ill will against us. As to Russia, do you reckon we might be a bit paranoid if Latin America formed an alliance dedicated to the USA as an enemy to be destroyed and started encouraging Mexico to serve as a launch pad for subversion and terror? We as a country are already quite disturbed about Mexican criminals. What if their government was actively preparing militarily against us?

Before you spout off, I am not justifying Japan in 1941, or Osama in 2001. But both were in reaction to international U.S. policy and actions.

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