Originally Posted by duke61
When will some of you wake up and realize you have believed a lie. Russia is not losing the war, Ukraine is running out of men to fight the war, western weapons are destroyed as quickly as they get to the front and our tax dollars are being wasted by political losers with wish in one hand and crap in the other. we have been told for more than a year now that Russia is on its knees and Putin is dying of cancer. Yeah right, I also have some ocean front property in Arizona to sell you.

Yep, you are thinking for yourself obviously and not falling victim to the propaganda of uke lovers.
So sad to see toots dementia on full display, dealt with it with my father in law, toot has classic signs.

I like ukes and rusky people, this war did not have to happen, nor carry on so long.
Biden and his ilk are creating fals narratives to keep it going.

Sad to see.

"The 375HH is the greatest level of power you can get for the investment in recoil." (JJHack)
79s and losttrail, biggest waste of air.