Originally Posted by Q_Sertorius
If the Russians are so technologically advanced and almighty, why haven’t they been able to beat a coalition lead by a senile old toad like FJB and Zelensky?

Western war movie watchers think that you have to "take the hill" or, IOW, conquer territory to achieve victory.

Russian strategy has been one of active defense all along. Kill the enemy, destroy his military and his capability to continue. Taking ground, in and of itself, is useless if enemy forces are still intact and capable of serious operations. The Russian's have advanced, and they have advanced, only for the purpose of destroying the enemy, not to occupy territory just for the sake of it.

The Russians, contrary to Western propaganda, have been very careful to avoid unnecessary casualties, mainly for their own forces but also in regards to the civilian population. An example of this restraint is their avoidance of destroying Ukraine's energy facilities in the cold Winter when it would be hardest on the civilians.

Their use of stand off weapons; rockets, missile, drones, etc, have also been mostly surgical. If they wanted to, they could turn Ukraine into a parking lot.

As to the title of this thread "Major Belly Flop" this has been evident months ago and no longer remotely in question. Some anticipate a major Russian offensive coming soon. This may well be but the Russians are achieving one of the main goals of their SMO, that is, to destroy the Ukrainian military using their strategy of active defense. Then the rest will be a cake walk. So why attack which will lead to more Russian casualties than necessary?


"an armed society is a polite society"