Originally Posted by Houston_2
Originally Posted by Hastings
Houston: You have the right idea. That is, if you like the idea of setting fire to money.

What have we gained? We started out in 1898 by drumming up a war with Spain and have been at war ever since with some minor periods of truce while we rearmed. The World War 1 and 2 which lasted from 1914 to 1945 (same war with a truce) accomplished nothing good leaving all the territory we set out to save under communism.

We are now 30 plus TRILLION $$$ in debt and it is questionable if the USA is going to continue as a dominant force or more likely be reduced to the status of France and Great Britain.

Realizing that you pray for Putin and meaning no offense to which side you defend and your feelings of guilt for the many failures of our nation I’d offer that rumors of our demise are greatly exaggerated as is the same concerning the USD.
I'll say it again about this subject, optimism is a mental disorder, a coping mechanism.

Patriotism (and religion) is the last refuge of a scoundrel.
Jesus: "Take heed that no man deceive you."
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