Originally Posted by AcesNeights
I think about our Iraq and Afghanistan veterans that made it home but with grievous injuries and missing limbs. The number of our men that were forever changed during our time in those countries is 100% more than it should’ve been BUT thankfully they had the BEST military supporting them, they had the best trained and most dedicated friends to their left and right and they had the best medical attention available worldwide. The Ukrainians have doctors and soldiers stealing pain meds and necessary items to treat their injured “friends and comrades”. They (Ukraine) have poorly trained, ill equipped and from what I’ve seen, scared and self-centered, involuntary conscripts that fail to act when the guy next to him gets a leg blown off or worse. They don’t have a fraction of the support, infrastructure, logistics or desire to do whatever it takes to win. They have an army of kids that don’t want to be there being led by a bunch of fat guys that are looking for anything to steal and are more concerned with “getting a piece of the pie” than they are for their soldiers welfare. The fatfucks leading the scared kids are all being led by an evil worldwide monolith of greedy criminals. The American citizen is funding this clusterfuck because we are teetering on collapse ourselves and nothing is more important to the average American citizen than the welfare of our friends and neighbors in Ukraine…..we’ve been told right here that Ukraine is our backyard. 😂


You need to change the channel, buddy.

But then being wrong seems to suit you, so maybe not! 😂

The CENTER will hold.

Reality, Patriotism,Trump: you can only pick two