No, they’re Ukrainians

Originally Posted by tdoyka
Originally Posted by AcesNeights
Originally Posted by tdoyka
see, the russkies are good fertilizer!!!!

18+ video from Russian soldier. The number of Russian UKRAINIAN soldier corpses per square meter is simply off the charts.
This is the true definition of meat grinder.

I don’t have time nor the inclination to parse all your propaganda especially when the first link of yours that I clicked on is obviously bullshit. I don’t expect better from the cheerleaders of war but you should be made aware that ALL those dead Russians are in fact DEAD UKRAINIANS.

“18+ video from Russian soldier. The number of Russian UKRAINIAN [b][/b]soldier corpses per square meter is simply off the charts.
This is the true definition of meat grinder.”

The dead soldiers you’re gloating about are in FACT DEAD UKRAINIANS.

From the very beginning of this clusterfuck I’ve remained neutral regarding either side’s culpability since it AIN’T our business! Ukraine is not nor have they ever been our ALLIES. They field Russian (Soviet) small arms, not NATO, they train and fight in the Soviet style and they are far more aligned with mother Russia, including their language, architecture, food, religious traditions and screwed up way of swearing. They are NOT and never have been our friends except to the extent that they can steal from us and take advantage of our politicians!

The closest thing to western tradition is the way their fighting aged males dance and party in the nightclubs, which have doubled in number since the beginning of the SMU (war), in Kiev….that’s what our “humanitarian aid has provided…well that and more summer homes, expensive sports cars and luxury yachts for the Ukrainian politicians and military bigwigs!

I’ve maintained since day 1 that this is between Ukraine and Russia and we oughta stay the hell out of it. Our “participation has only brought untold misery, suffering and destruction to the Ukrainian people while destabilizing us far more than we’ve destabilized Russia!

they are orcs, i don't see NATO helmets because they are dead russians. we and the rest of Europe give them NATO Caiman ballistic helmet.

russkies use 6B7 helmets.

oh, russkies don't use ALICE, they use ratnik.

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