Originally Posted by AcesNeights
Originally Posted by dassa
Originally Posted by AcesNeights
The left seems to predicate their absolute belief in a Ukrainian victory on the fact that Russia still has not captured Kiev. Imagine if Kiev was never the goal but merely a feint at the outset that didn’t work….except to fool the retards who, after a year and a half, are still unblinkingly staring at Kiev waiting for something to happen while the country burns and crumbles around them.

They fall to acknowledge their first mistake in all of this and have instead built the foundation of their argument in support of this clustefuck on the false belief that Russia couldn’t “take” Kiev….they continue to then reinforce the bullshit notion that Ukraine must be winning since Kiev hasn’t been captured…that’s blossomed into the ridiculous idea that the Ukrainian conscript is the “finest soldier in the world” 😂😂. If you exclude the drunken rapists, drunken criminals and drunken black market profiteers there might be a few decent soldiers there.
The only disagreement I have is, I think the feint to Kiev did work. Its purpose I believe, was to draw troops away from the east, so the Russians could destroy the Ukraine army in detail.

P.s. Like everyone else here, I haven't participated in any Russian military strategy meetings. So the above is just my speculation.

Dassa….You very well could be correct and I’m sure there were multiple advantages and disadvantages, like virtually everything done in war, to every choice they made. Drawing troops out in the East was certainly a beneficial result of the “siege”. In terms of a modern day military siege and its associated battlefield demands usually dictate NOT exposing the bulk of your assault force to weeks of being bogged down, stuck and exposed……for weeks the entire column faced being potentially annihilated at any moment. I believe it was a show of force move to oust Zelensky the Zit, get Ukraine to the bargaining table and prove to the world that Russia was serious. Just my opinion though…
I really don’t know about what Russia’s ultimate intentions were with Kiev, certainly not enough to “argue” about it, but I do believe that they (Russia) were attempting to get Zelensky the Zit to capitulate and flee into the Western backed plan of exile. I think Russia fully expected Ukraine to come to the table for talks but when the West interfered and prevented the talks from going forward Russia stepped up their pressure and “surrounded” Kiev. I thought they looked pretty vulnerable and disorganized sitting there strung out for 40+ miles with no escape routes and a part of me really believes that was Russia trying to get us directly involved. I still believe Putin was willing to sacrifice that 40 some mile long column of men and materiel….essentially baiting the west into being unable to control ourselves when we see that sheer amount of men and armor sitting their naked and vulnerable. All my postulating is nothing more than my suspicions and opinions about a part of the world that I’ve never visited and never wanted to visit…..they’re all what I consider to be my enemy in general.
I surely wouldn't argue my speculation is more correct than yours. The only thing I'm sure of is that it's foolish to form an opinion, then force the facts to fit in it. (I'm not saying that you are doing that. In fact, the opposite). I'm talking about people that think Russia is weak, and use the failure to take Kiev to reinforce that thought. There are other, more rational explanations.