Originally Posted by Houston_2
Originally Posted by SupFoo
Originally Posted by Houston_2
Czech Parliament ratifies agreement with the USA to allow American troops into the country and remain on Czech soil in an effort to further strengthen ties between the two NATO countries.

Ya, whatever that means.

Houston 2; where has all our money gone for Ukraine?

Arms, military mobile equipment, medical, etc.

You might note what others in the alliance have sent also.

As corrupt as Ukraine is, I would image that 80% of the cash funds sent over for relief have been stolen. From firsthand accounts by foreign fighters, many Ukrainians are operating with very little material support and many have had to source their own kits to fight. So our military gear is going somewhere other than the battlefield.

At the end of the day, the corruption should bother everyone including everyone in Congress, but it isn't. Taxpayers have lost billions in the process. BUT, I commend the Ukranians for destroying Putin's military. They have achieved what NATO has only dreamed about.

Was it worth the investment and wasted tax dollars? In a way, yes. No American military casualties (that we know about) has happened and Putin's military is only a shadow of what it once was. It will take a decade for the Russian military to recover. So that's all good in my books.

Where the real corruption will happen is on the rebuilding of Ukraine. Hopefully we will have a new Administration that will tell Europe it's their problem to deal with and not ours. This is Russia's and Europe's mess to sort out. In the meantime, carpet bomb the Russians back to Moscow.

Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum