If you're truly Ukraine how can you condone the suicide mission your country is on? Are you Nazi? Your hate runs deep. You should know that Russia today is far from the USSR of yesterday. our congress is living and working in their own little bubble fighting a cold war opponent that was defeated by Reagan. looking at the situation in Ukraine and thinking it might win this catastrophe is idiotic and sadistic. This war did not have to happen. If Zelenskyy had not listened to Biden's lunatic administration and congress it would've been long over. I don't think Putin ever thought they would opt to go suicidal in this. Committing genocide murdering and torturing Russian speaking sympathizers was never a good idea. Ukraine has broken just about every law of war ever agreed to by civilized Nations and we keep feeding him. We have much to hide there. Those Bioweapons labs sere a crime against humanity and our plan to fast track Ukraine into NATO after we were told Russia would never allow it was a stroke of genius in starting this conflict. This entire war stinks and we are to blame for Europe's loss of energy and millions of Ukrainian citizens fleeing their country.
Bitch all you want but know this the end is near and there's nothing you or I can do about it. Your little hate America society is pretty tiresome. you bemoan the same things. You have no real ideas on when, what or why this is happening other than to spew hate towards anyone with an opinion other than yours. Grow up son or go join up they sure need people for the burial details.