Originally Posted by Bristoe
The Biden crazies are attempting to restock a portion of the strategic oil reserve at $80 a barrel as we speak.

If they continue to piss off the Middle Eastern oil producing states they won't be able to buy it for 120.

Meanwhile, BRICS has access to all the oil it can use via Russia and the Middle Eastern States which have joined BRICS,...including Saudi Arabia.
Originally Posted by JoeBob
Reading something where they are saying that recent finds in Guyana may equal “27 billion barrels”.

Oil is not running out, I no longer believe it is fossil fuel. It is some sort of abiotic process that is constantly replenishing and making new.
Isn't it going to be a shame when all the countries with real wealth and don't have parasite citizens just push us aside. BRICS darn well might attract countries like Guyana with real money. We are bankrupt and our time is up. We did it to ourselves.

Patriotism (and religion) is the last refuge of a scoundrel.
Jesus: "Take heed that no man deceive you."
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