Originally Posted by Houston_2
Originally Posted by Hastings
Originally Posted by Gooch_McGrundle
Originally Posted by Hastings
What have we accomplished that's good with our 125 years of war????

We have the ability to impose our will. We’ve solidified a standard of living unlike anywhere else. People living in poverty in the US are richer than 80% of the rest of the world. All because people know what we are capable of.
Is that how Sweden and Switzerland ended up with an even higher standard of living than the U.S.?

Remember, our constant war making has made us a bankrupt nation and when WW 1 and 2 were over most of the world population was enslaved by communism. Quite a victory?

Your statement about wanting to move to Russia is very understandable.

You’re praying for Putin to win is also understandable.

You’re saying that you wouldn’t fight any invaders of America is also understandable unless at your back door.

Your disdain for America becomes clearer with each post on the subject of how bad we are and how wrong we’ve always been.
1. I am not contemplating a move to Russia although our USA is becoming totalitarian.

2. I do hope Russia wins the Ukraine war and puts a stop to NATO/USA and the world bankers promoting anti-Russian activity on Russia's border.

3. Correct, I will only fight invaders in my part of the country. NY, D.C., L.A., and San Fran are on their own.

4. We have been wrong to get involved in fighting foreign wars and have instigated several. Now we are bankrupt and in default.

Patriotism (and religion) is the last refuge of a scoundrel.
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