Originally Posted by Direct_Drive
Originally Posted by Houston_2
Czech Parliament ratifies agreement with the USA to allow American troops into the country and remain on Czech soil in an effort to further strengthen ties between the two NATO countries.
Eastern Europe is a dangerous place, I don't blame the Czechs.
Russia has had its grubby hands into everything, spreading their trademark corruption system and creating enclaves of Russians everywhere.
I can't name an Eastern European nation that hasn't be infected.
Poland took 30 years to get cleansed from that corruption.

I recently met a woman from Moldova.
The Russians have 1500 troops stationed there and the Moldovans want them out.
It's like a mini-Ukraine situation.
This woman said "We were so strong when we were 15"
She's pro-Russia.
Moldova may be another flashpoint.

Georgia is now also openly expressing the same sentiments about the Russian troops and puppets there.