Originally Posted by rainshot
Whether anyone agrees or not the evidence is brutal. Ukraine as a viable nation no longer exists. Its citizens have largely fled the destruction. Their homes have been destroyed. Their factories have been decimated. This has all happened at the behest of our insane Executive leadership with the full compliance of Congress. Europe is on the brink of anarchy. World currency is disintegrating. America's Military is woke and being dismantled by an insane group of lunatics. The time is growing near when all argument about Ukraine's winning this conflict will end. They are finished. Their leader is still a mentally incompetent erotic dancer leading a puppet government for the profit of Washington's elite Marxists. Every person employed at the Pentagon should be fired and held accountable for this insane fantasy. Over the years NATO has evolved into an incompetent world police organization plundering countries at the behest of American leadership and it too will cease to exist as it now is.

Viable Nation?

Billions pledged for rebuilding or did you miss that part.

Most innocent citizens do try and get out of harms way like the 10s of thousands of Russians who have fled Russia.