Interesting account off of facebook...

More information, a facebook post by an eyewitness...

Appears to me trigger happy rookies really screwed up.

“Jack, Donna and Rowdy, Donna’s nephew, showed up to take care of their bull. Jack was bent down and a second from shooting the bull when a cop grabbed him from the back and spun him around. He shot Jack in the stomach and the other cop shot him 4 times in the chest. The cops were standing behind Jack.

Donna and Rowdy rushed down to Jack and the cops threw them face down on the ground and had guns to their head. Between what happened to her husband and the rough treatment, she had a massive heart attack. She was life flighted to Boise. She had another last night.

This story came from Jack’s nephew and it was told to him by Rowdy. The sheriff wanted Rowdy to change his account. The bull (becoming aggressive) seems key to the story but it wasn’t even in the account I heard from Jack’s nephew. There was crew trying to get the people out of the car that hit the bull. This sounds like a big coverup to me (the news account). I just can’t understand how those cops could have done that. We seem to get the ex military rambos around here. I’ve heard plenty about these deputies being difficult. I don’t know how Donna is doing. I hate to bother the family. I am pretty close to her and I’m so worried she isn’t going to make it.(This is a post on FB)“