Exactly who asked for facts to be "made up", EE?

There were - myself included - some folks who asked to wait until the facts were known before jumping to conclusions. What, exactly, would or has that hurt? Perhaps a few feelings for not being able to say "toldja so" right off the bat (though that seems to be the case now).

As it is, one family has lost a man already, an entire community is being torn apart, if the things coming out now are true then two other families should be dealing with their sons on trial for murder, and somehow this is grounds for people to be congratulating themselves and "rubbing others noses in it" for being "right" vs people who wanted to wait for facts to come out?

Think about that for a second - wtf is wrong with us? Yes, I said "us".

Originally Posted by Mannlicher
America needs to understand that our troops are not 'disposable'. Each represents a family; Fathers, Mothers, Sons, Daughters, Cousins, Uncles, Aunts... Our Citizens are our most valuable treasure; we waste far too many.