Well hells bells, my .02 for the parade if anyone is interested.

What happened up there in Idaho has the appearance of malfeasance in the extreme, but it's just that at the moment, appearance. He said, she said means bupkis. Forensics will be done, statements analyzed and the legal system will do what it always does for the most part.

Thinking that given the circumstances it might serve all to kick back, move on and wait for the coroner's report or maybe a read by the Grand Jury. Until then all y'all need to take a break. Pokin' folks in the eyes with sharp sticks serves no benefit.

Looking at a circumstance where by all accounts one of the community pillars was put to death w/o good cause. That's enough grief.


I am..........disturbed.

Concerning the difference between man and the jackass: some observers hold that there isn't any. But this wrongs the jackass. -Twain