It sounds to me, that if you were going to take all idiots that were at the scene of the shooting in one room, you would need a large room!

The bull has a broken leg, kill it as soon as possible, as it does pose a hazard to everyone in the area. Killing it should be a simple act, especially when done by a "trained expert", the .223 though not my first choice, is more than necessary for the job at hand. There certainly is no reason to call for help, adding people, guns and confusion to an already tenacious situation.

Remember the two victims in the Subaru were seriously injured and were waiting for rescue personal.

Add more flashing lights, sirens, motorist and gun fire to the situation and things get ugly real fast.

Tempers on edge, pompous cop, drunk rancher, people screaming and yelling a bull bawling and you have all the makings of disaster.

I don't believe that Jack had any intention to harm anyone, I do believe the cop with the .223 was [is] an over zealous control freak who lost his temper when mister Yantis told him to GFY and get out of his way so he could put his bull down properly, and when he walked by the cop grabbed him and his rifle discharged into the ground giving the hot headed deputy all of the excuse he needed to gun him down. And since the 204 bullet was recovered at the scene I would suggest that it was fired almost directly straight down, as even a slight angle would have caused a high velocity round as the 204 would certainly ricochet and be lost.

This whole case is the results of poor training, poor hiring practices and poor choices in wanna be cops.
They killed a man because of egos, it is that simple. They will get away with it because they were cops, poor ones but cops just the same.

A lot of lives have been altered and one ended over a simple accident, many will never be the same and the payout will be huge, as it should be.

This is far from over, sadly it will be a very long time before some people get over it, if they ever do.

Last edited by jimy; 07/30/16.

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