Originally Posted by 4ager

I'm pretty sure that no one has a damned clue what happened yet. All we know at this point are the following facts:

1) bull hit by car;
2) deputies called to scene;
3) deputies call rancher to tell him bull hit by car;
4) rancher shows up with rifle;
5) deputies readying to put bull down because of injuries/being aggressive;
6) BOTH rancher and deputies fire weapons (per news clip that logcutter put up);
7) rancher killed;
8) investigation ongoing.

That's it; that's all we know.

There was no "SWAT team" involved. There was no Federal agency involved. There were two county deputies and a rancher.

The rancher looked white...but the photo's need to be verified.
Were either of the deputies black?
What about the bull?

Once colors are confirmed we can throw everything else out and conjuncture correctly. Color pending this could turn into a federal investigation.