Originally Posted by cv540
Question: who is liable in this type of accident in Idaho?

The rancher who owned the bull for failure to have it fenced in, or the driver of the auto for failure to avoid it?

Open range. Check it out. http://range.idaho.gov/ranchers/Open%20Range/open-range

The dead rancher was not at fault for the accident and the liability for the bull is with the car driver. This is the West, not like east of the Rockies.

I have had cows in open range. You hurt one because you are to stupid to read signs, watch where you are driving, and drive to fast for the conditions you pay the damages.

Police are not eager to put down wounded animals. It caused a mound of paperwork for most officers. They call the livestock owner if they can. Livestock owners usually know how to asses the injury and take approbate action. In my part of the world ranchers are almost always armed of have firearms readily available for emergencies. This did not happen in NJ or NYC.

The first time I shot myself in the head...

Meniere's Sucks Big Time!!!