Originally Posted by EthanEdwards
Originally Posted by gitem_12
Wrong...the guy didn't win a lawsuit. He accepted a settlement, a very, very low one. Which tells me that it was cheaper to pay him, than for the city to spend money on lawyers to win the lawsuit.
Why was Wood let go then? Isn't that an admission of guilt?


A friend of mine was let go from a position because he wanted to fight the issue in a court of law versus the higher ups decision to settle.

He threatened to take his case public if they settled, and they decided to terminate him to save all the PR and court headaches - even though the employee was not at fault.

Originally Posted by EthanEdwards
Also non-defense of the lawsuit makes the city appear guilty.

Maybe to low information folks that don't know its all about money. Very few people care about the facts in an issue anymore.....