Originally Posted by Fireball2
I'm pretty sure the rancher didn't show up on the scene to threaten the cops with a rifle. We're not talking about an inner city crackhead here.

I'm also pretty sure the cops killed him. I guess it was all just a minor misunderstanding. Nothing to see here, move along, go on home.

How about this instead? The population there marches (with guns) on the local police department and drags them all out in the street and gives them a first class ass kicking?! That's what they deserve. This BS has gone far enough.

I'm pretty sure that no one has a damned clue what happened yet. All we know at this point are the following facts:

1) bull hit by car;
2) deputies called to scene;
3) deputies call rancher to tell him bull hit by car;
4) rancher shows up with rifle;
5) deputies readying to put bull down because of injuries/being aggressive;
6) BOTH rancher and deputies fire weapons (per news clip that logcutter put up);
7) rancher killed;
8) investigation ongoing.

That's it; that's all we know.

There was no "SWAT team" involved. There was no Federal agency involved. There were two county deputies and a rancher.

Originally Posted by Mannlicher
America needs to understand that our troops are not 'disposable'. Each represents a family; Fathers, Mothers, Sons, Daughters, Cousins, Uncles, Aunts... Our Citizens are our most valuable treasure; we waste far too many.