Originally Posted by logcutter
Thi is a surprise to me,I would have bet it was Brian Wood that started this mess..Wrong,Cody Rowland did and Brian foloowed up with the AR-15....

5 Witnesses account:

It has become Apparent over the Course of 7 months that the Attempt to Hide and Deny the Testimony of People who actually saw..
#1.. Cody Roland step to JACK YANTIS and Grab/Pull Him from Behind while grabbing at the rifle that JACK YANTIS held and was pointing at the Body of the Bull. and then Turn JACK YANTIS around and begin shooting into his body...
#2..Brian Wood upon hearing/seeing the Assault by Cody Roland begins to fire a High Powered AR-15 Assault Rifle loaded with .223 High Powered Bullets at the chest of JACK YANTIS ... And BOTH of these Adams County Sheriff Officers ""NEVER"" said a WORD to JACK YANTIS or anyone with him ...PRIOR..OR..DURING... THIS SLAUGHTER OF A INNOCENT RANCHER..

Who wrote that, blind retarded Katie Couric? And I'd say Yantis started it, Woods and Rowland finished it.

You're pulling some real gems from Facebook lately. I hope Spence calls you as an eggspert witness.