Originally Posted by Dutch
Originally Posted by gitem_12

I'm betting if grandpa had ju st sat in his car, he wouldn't have gotten arrested. But when you get told "go sit in your car or you're gonna be arrested", and your response is ok, arrest me then...well you've signed up for the handcuffs, and if you continue to fight while he is trying you cuff you, your probably gonna get tossed around a bit.. regardless of age.

If you read the documentation, this guy had just come out of the hospital for heart surgery, still had the staples in his chest.

Chances are he wasn't running a marathon that day or the next day.

Serious question. WHY do you think the logical end to a cantankerous feeble old man refusing to get into his car is to arrest him?

As an observation, though, we know ONE THING that officer Wood learned that day: don't turn your dash cam on, it'll bite you int the arse......

My suspicion is that he never really thought he was going to have to arrest him, but once the bluff is called by "ok arrest me then"..he had to follow through.

Now a question for you.

Where is the logic in a cantankerous feeble old man who has staples still in his chest, d3cising that it was a good idea to push the cop to actually arrest him.

Last edited by gitem_12; 12/02/15.

The government plans these shootings by targeting kids from kindergarten that the government thinks they can control with drugs until the appropriate time--DerbyDude

Whatever. Tell the oompa loompa's hey for me. [/quote]. LtPPowell