Originally Posted by Idaho_Shooter
Originally Posted by DINK
How does a county of 4000 hire people that aren't local? Surely they can't afford to pay good enough to have officers moved there.


I was discussing this with a friend who owns property just two miles north of where this incident occured. He does not reside on the property, but spends about half of his weekends, vacation, and holidays there. He is friends with several full time residents of the same area, and has spoken with Jack Yantis on several occasions.

The brunt of our conversation was: Where does Adams County get their deputies. He stated that most are hired right out of academy. Adams County pay scale is too low to attract any seasoned officers, and pretty much excludes the cream of the academy crop.

That said, we still do not know the names of the deputies involved or any of their particulars.

I was informed of information online from an eye witness in the next car behind the Subaru. I have not been able to find this via internet search and would surely appreciate any one who could point me to it.

But this account apparently backs up the statement by Rowdy Paradis.

A couple of facts I have been able to ascertain. The bull was struck within a few tens of yards from Jack Yantis's barn. Jack and his wife had very little distance to travel to the scene. It was practically in their front yard.

I understand there are two eyewitness accounts that Jack never pointed his weapon at the deputies. One account, I have been told, states that Jack actually shot the bull. And was killed immediately after.

A couple of other items which I find disturbing: It has been several days and we have yet to hear the nature of one deputy's "wound". Nowhere has it been stated that Jack wounded the deputy, and I think that would have been stated if true.

The second item is the nature in which the sheriff stated that Jack's wife became ill after being informed of the death. The sheriff intentionally leads us to believe she was not on the scene.

It appears the sheriff is making factual statements, but making them in such a way as to lead his audience into untruthful conclusions.

I have believed the police mindset which might have led these deputies to over react and murder this rancher only existed in Chicago, Los Angeles, and other such schitholes of humanity.

I had a difficult time believing that this played out this way in rural Idaho, with the cops in egregious error. But it certainly appears that the facts are beginning to come out and it is not looking good for the Adams County deputies.

I sincerely doubt the sheriff will be sheriff after the next election cycle. And if the Adams County Prosecutor does not hang these two deputies out to dry, his job will not survive the election cycle either.

Tough job,...posting like what you're doing.

It's appreciated here.


Member, Clan of the Border Rats
-- “Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it.”- Mark Twain