Originally Posted by crossfireoops
Originally Posted by AcesNeights
Originally Posted by cv540

He precipitated his own death, and won't get any tears from me.

You don't know sh.it about what happened, haven't read the articles with any meaningful comprehension, admitted you don't know and this is your response? He deserved it and the only thing better would have been if you could have killed him yourself.

You are a real sh.itbag!

Yup, and he hasn't danced around about proving that, with a whole goddam BARRAGE of stupid, unfeeling, unwarranted and ignorant commentary. I gotta say that the fascistic undertones evident leave me in doubt of he and I EVER seeing eye to eye.

Sam just mentioned the almost unbelievable SADNESS radiating outward and about from this tragic event.

Compliments to him for bringing it back up.

Some quiet and focused reflection seems timely.


-People are injured in a vehicle following a car/cow accident.
-The injured bull is charging other cars and preventing first responders from attending to the injured.
-The bull's owner shows up with his "never back down" attitude, deploys, brandishes, and discharges a rifle, possibly in an attempt to prevent the bull from being put down.

After a period of quiet reflection, you being the deputy, how would you have resolved the situation?

"Put none but Americans on guard tonight."
-George Washington