Originally Posted by AcesNeights
Who GAF what his BAC was? He was at home eating dinner and socializing. That's now reason to kill citizens? Fu.cking distractions and red herrings are the way the guilty deflect attention.

What happened with the DV, illegal explosives possession and threats of violence the POS deputy proffered? Instead of indicting the dead man because he had a few beers with dinner why don't we ask pertinent questions?

AcesNeights (ironically the "dead man's hand); I've laid out the results as best as I can from a legal perspective. Look, the cops are almost assuredly schitbirds. They sure as Hell didn't handle the situation as best as it could have been. There's no denying that. However, the likelihood of an AG "cover-up" given the parameters and everything else is vanishingly small; it just doesn't make any sense. Combine that with the AG having left every possible door open for future action, I have to ask again: short of a lynching, what more do you want?

Originally Posted by Mannlicher
America needs to understand that our troops are not 'disposable'. Each represents a family; Fathers, Mothers, Sons, Daughters, Cousins, Uncles, Aunts... Our Citizens are our most valuable treasure; we waste far too many.