Originally Posted by MontanaMan
I pay taxes, I vote in every election & I've yet to see a prospective LEO hire on the ballot, or a Chief of Police either.

The only LEO position, nationwide, generally elected by the public is the county sheriff's position.

The CoP is hired by the city commission the then the CoP hires whomever he might want as an officer. The public has zero direct say; to imply otherwise is either ignorance or disingenuous.

Indirectly, city commissioners are voted on, but changing them or the CoP is never a short term proposition.

YMMV, but I kinda doubt for most of the country.


It still boils down to what the public is willing to tolerate in taxes and spending priorities, and what the local culture is willing to tolerate in unethical or illegal behavior. When the locals have had enough to roll some figurative heads, things change. Seen it. Done it.

Lunatic fringe....we all know you're out there.