Originally Posted by deflave
Originally Posted by Calhoun
For 99% of LEO's, they are.

But 88% of the public want them, apparently. It's a free country, though, so cops that hate them are just as free to find other work as I am free to reject work that requires me getting random drug tests or finger printed and background checked. Not that I have anything to hide, I just object to the intrusion so I find other gigs.
That 88% wouldn't know the 4th Amendment from the hole in their dick.

They're retards.

Body cameras can't see or hear anything that the cop can't see or hear, so not sure about the 4th Amendment issue.. As long as the cop isn't going somewhere he doesn't have the right to be. Anybody who thinks they are telling something to a cop in confidence is a blooming idiot. Thought that was settled decades ago in the Supreme Court?

Unless you think it's a violation of the cop's 4th amendment rights?? Again, it's a voluntarily held job. Sucks, but so does being a long haul trucker having to submit to random drug testing and having GPS/black box tracking in their rigs.

Don't know if our local sheriffs have cams or not. Guessing they probably do around Lincoln and Omaha, not elsewhere in the state.

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