Originally Posted by MOGC
Originally Posted by EthanEdwards
Originally Posted by MOGC
Originally Posted by EthanEdwards
The problem with ALICE training and lots of other best practices or policies is their static nature in a fluid situation. It's difficult to maintain control over your assets though, without such things, especially in the age of litigation.

A = Alert
L = Lockdown
I = Inform
C = Counter
E = Evacuate

It's a tool box not a recipe that must be followed in order exactly. Use what applies directly to the situation you find yourself in. Not static unless that is the most appropriate defense for the situation at that particular moment. The user chooses the tool(s) as needed.
I'm very familiar with it and if I knew how to do it better, I'd say so. There are weaknesses though.

Familiar enough to know it isn't a completely static program yet you stated it was static anyway. Fits right in with all the other BS in this screwed up thread. Carry on...
It depends on what you mean by static. How is this something to get twisted about? Some of y'all will go to any length to argue and twist things.