Originally Posted by gitem_12
Originally Posted by MadMooner
I imaagine the cars lights were going.

No, not every call.
Policy stated it had to be on for vehicle stops, streets idea field interviews and DUI arrests

Personally I activated it every time I transported someone

As far as the camera being on at an accident, it would depend.
.I would suspect that their Emergency lights were on, but I have no idea how there cameras were set up to acticlvate, and I have no idea of knowing whether the vehicles were positioned to see anything even if they were on.

As far as me, lots of times at accident I didn't turn my overheads on, usually just my rear flashers, and usually if I did turn them on it wasn't by the pursuit switch which would also activate wig wags and every other flasher on the vehicle...that simply wasn't needed for most accident scenes in which the lights were more of a visual alcautionary aid than anything.

Your rational and detailed explanations are not helpful.

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-George Washington