Originally Posted by gitem_12

My suspicion is that he never really thought he was going to have to arrest him, but once the bluff is called by "ok arrest me then"..he had to follow through.

Now a question for you.

Where is the logic in a cantankerous feeble old man who has staples still in his chest, d3cising that it was a good idea to push the cop to actually arrest him.

Now we come to the crux of the matter. Wood issued a threat to the old man trying to bully him back into the car. The old man called him on it. Wood escalated, then the old man escalated. They both were [bleep], the only difference being that Wood is the [bleep] with the badge and the gun that's paid not to be an [bleep].

The old fart being arrested is not the logical end to the sequence. As a matter of fact, I'll dare to suggest the old fart had a habit of coming out of his car when pulled over, and this was not the first time he had a confrontation with the cops over it.

It's just that Wood was unable, and if I were defense council I'd say unwilling, to achieve compliance without violence.

Now your assignment, compare and contrast with the Yantis case.......

Sic Semper Tyrannis