Originally Posted by logcutter
Can you give some evidence of how much force was used?

Enough that he made grandpa bleed..Listen to the tape at the end when the other officer arrives.

Now,just how much force is needed to subdue/cuff an 80 year old grandpa?

He could have-Called for another officer since grandpa had an issue with him..

All this for 10mph over the speed limit that was thrown out of court and cost the city a pay out and cost his job.Now the same officer killed an older guy for over what?

That's strike two for this kids ability to deal with older men..Ya,he shoved Jack also and i'm sure Jack did not like that and we all know what happened next.

I'm betting if grandpa had ju st sat in his car, he wouldn't have gotten arrested. But when you get told "go sit in your car or you're gonna be arrested", and your response is ok, arrest me then...well you've signed up for the handcuffs, and if you continue to fight while he is trying you cuff you, your probably gonna get tossed around a bit.. regardless of age. As

As far s the lawsuit...I see why they paid him 14 grand.

It was much cheaper to do that than pay attorneys for years to win a lawsuit that really wouldn't amount to anything

The government plans these shootings by targeting kids from kindergarten that the government thinks they can control with drugs until the appropriate time--DerbyDude

Whatever. Tell the oompa loompa's hey for me. [/quote]. LtPPowell