Originally Posted by drover
Originally Posted by gitem_12
Originally Posted by Scott F
Let me see if I have this straight. If I am in Idaho and someone hist my bull with a car them I am called to dispatch my bull I should expect to be shot a bunch of times for bringing a gun.

No charges filed. How about animal cruelty for the officer shooting the injured bull several time in the gut?

If I were to shoot an adult bull in the head as he was laying down would anyone expect a 204 round to exit?

I am anything but anti cop but this sounds more like that bulls bowel movements than justice.

Hard to believe country cops could know so little about live in their county.

It seems lore like. A man shows up legally drunk, with a firearm and one way or another discharges a round in the direction of the cops..cops return fire.

Yantis had a blood alcohol level of .104 percent, the investigative report said. A level of .08 percent is considered intoxicated for motorists in Idaho. Wasden said “there’s nothing illegal about that in terms of being at his house.”

Read more here: http://www.idahostatesman.com/news/state/idaho/article92573452.html#storylink=cpy

This will add a bit of clarity.


Th point being that...don't you think someone legally intoxicated may not make the appropriate decisions at such a time.

The government plans these shootings by targeting kids from kindergarten that the government thinks they can control with drugs until the appropriate time--DerbyDude

Whatever. Tell the oompa loompa's hey for me. [/quote]. LtPPowell