Originally Posted by Idaho_Shooter
Originally Posted by deflave
I'm still not tracking.

The deputies testified he fired the rifle one time.

Unless you're reading something I didn't.


Deputies testified he fired the rifle AT AN OFFICER.

That is a distinctly different from an ND into the ground at Yantis's feet.

I for one would surely like to know which is actually more akin to the truth.

If a man threatens a cop, and/or points a weapon at a cop? Smoke his ass! yes absolutely! I sure as hell will never ask a cop to use his fists in a gun fight!

We pay cops nowhere near enough to ask them to take extraordinary risks.

But the things I have read, including the deputies' statements leave me far from convinced that in Yantis's case, the cops were ever actually threatened.

If we need a measure of the caliber of man we are talking about, in the case of one deputy, we need only remember that on the night of the shooting he was yelling that Yantis had shot him. That certainly turned out to be a total fabrication.

Not necesarily. Had the gun discharged in close proximity to him (as I suspect they were all still within arms reach of one another he could have felt the cuncussion from the muzzle blast and thought he had been shot...while in accurate, that is not a fabrication

The government plans these shootings by targeting kids from kindergarten that the government thinks they can control with drugs until the appropriate time--DerbyDude

Whatever. Tell the oompa loompa's hey for me. [/quote]. LtPPowell