Originally Posted by Birdwatcher
My friend being a smart azz, replied that it was a sub machine gun. The nice policeman did not think that it was funny and slammed him up against the car too. The rest of us thought it was funny. miles

A student of mine some years back when apprehended by the Park Police for some transgression told them "Can we wait until the REAL police get here" grin He subsequently tripped and fell a few times in custody too.

Same kid in class one day was studiously bundling up a bunch of old assignment papers, he weren't making much noise so I didn't make an issue.

Suddenly he stands up holding a giant paper sperm by the tail like it was a divining rod, which flailing sperm proceeds to "drag him against his will" two seats over towards at notably attractive (and stuck up) young lady grin

Might be the funniest thing I have seen in the classroom.

Last I seen of that kid he was full of metal rods from having wrapped his sport bike around a tree at warp speed, I hope he is doing well.


In high school one particular teacher was concerned (overly) about every students ability to take a test well and warned non-stop of each test and quiz and advised at great length about getting enough sleep the night before a test eating a full breakfast the morning of and so on.

Class clown failed a test and the teacher was openly making fun of his test answers.

Clown apologizes and tells the teacher he was right, the night before he had too much on his mind and was completely unable to sleep.

Teacher immediately apologizes and asks if he wants to retest... but then asks why he could not sleep...

"I was thinking all night about Jennifer and had a hard-on so big I didn't have enough skin left to close my eyes!"

Big breasted Jennifer sure turned red!

Mark Begich, Joaquin Jackson, and Heller resistance... Three huge reasons to worry about the NRA.