Originally Posted by JCMCUBIC
Opps....well, it can be read if flipped through on the linked site.

The last five weeks have been the most trying of my life. I'd elaborate, but I've come to realize I don't need to because I'm not experiencing this alone, I'm not hurting alone. You have shown me that you love me, that you trust me, and that you are hurting with me.
It's pretty demoralizing to get several messages, calls, texts, and e-mails each day telling me I'm a murdering piece of _____, a baby killer, and everything in between. These people have no real clue what happened that night, but it still adds up to weigh a person down. That's why I'm so grateful for you.
YOU, my friends, have sent me so many messages and texts that I've had to upgrade my phone plan TWICE! Your messages, texts, e-mails, calls, and letters mean the world to me. That you would offer your support, your love, and your trust... I can't describe how much that helps! Every time I see something negative, I'm encouraged by one of you. A call, an invite to dinner, a prayer, a sliced up newspaper smile emoticon, a hug, an offer to help. Sometimes it's just an understanding look. Really, you have changed everything. Thank you!
MacKenzie, I never had to guess or wonder how you'd react, what you'd say, or what you'd think. Thank you! I'll say the rest in private smile emoticon
Cody, those who want to hate us always will, regardless of what the investigation shows. First, we were “Barney Fife rookies” and that was bad. When the opposite was proven true, we were evil for FBI sniper training or overseas service. No apology for being so completely wrong, just blind ignorant hatred. But isn't that the reason our profession exists? Law enforcement exists because there is a small percentage of people who aren't reasonable, who don't treat people fairly, who would rather harm innocent people than take the time to educate themselves, who hate good and glorify evil. I know what happened. You know what happened. Hopefully soon, the world will know what happened. In the mean time, know that MacKenzie and I are deeply grateful for you, for who you are, and for your actions.
We all learn in grade school that forming an opinion before hearing both sides is foolish (Proverbs 14:15, 18:13 and 18:17). This is constantly reinforced through personal experiences, as every person knows the pain of being lied about, and the frustration of watching people blindly believe those lies. To those who have expressed anger toward the people who are believing and repeating false information, remember that you, me, all of us, have done the same thing. It's so easy to hear one side and take it as fact, but it's stupid, and incredibly hurtful, so let's all resolve to never again do that to someone else!
There are other people and issues I'd like to address but right now I'm not allowed to.
Please pray for peace and healing for all the families affected by this. When you see an ugly comment, take an extra minute to pray for that person, or if you know them, reach out to them. Please don't correct them or argue with them. Just be there. Chances are, they are hurting and really need you.
With grateful love,