Originally Posted by greydog
I think it is interesting that we see nothing about this incident on the mainstream media outlets. I hope this isn't just because the victim wasn't (a) black, (b)a drug dealer or pimp, (c)wearing a hoody.
I'm kind of pro-wildlife and anti-cow but I can't help but side with Yantis here. In a way, this is a bit of a sign of the times.
I was involved in a situation many years ago where I was awakened in the middle of the night by my dog going crazy. I got up and went out the door carrying an old Krag rifle. For whatever reason, a deputy sheriff was in the area and rolled up and suggested I hand over the rifle. I suggested he mind his own business, everything was under control. In the end, the deputy rolled up his window and drove away. Today, under the same circumstances, I would be lucky to get away with only being tazered. That particular deputy and I had a bit of history and I think he showed restraint and a sensible attitude. He is one of those people from my past to whom I owe an apology. By the way, this was in Idaho too.
Anyway, I really hope we can get the whole story but doubt that the story which comes out will not be given a significant amount of spin; regardless of the source. GD

"I'm kind of pro-wildlife and anti-cow"

Until....it comes to the want of a good ribeye!!

Even birds know not to land downwind!