Originally Posted by curdog4570
Originally Posted by cv540
Originally Posted by curdog4570
You have read the statements of the family members who witnessed the shooting. You have read that their statements were vetted by their attorney.

Do you really think that their attorney, the attorney who is in it for the money, is going to release a full and honest statement?

You don't think he is going to craft the statement that puts his clients in the best position to get a cash settlement that he gets his 33.3 percent of?

Do YOU really think that greedy attorney is going to let them release a statement they can't swear to at a later date?

THAT'S the importance of a vetted statement. I'm surprised you didn't know that

It is HIS statement. Not theirs. They will have to testify to what happened, not him. The prior statement that the attorney released could POSSIBLY be used to impeach their testimony, but the bottom line is the attorney's statement is his opinion of what happened, it is not testimony, and it doesn't lay out from which witnesses he is drawing his opinion.

It is a statement to the media, it doesn't have any legal weight.

His statement is clearly not a full disclosure, he completely glosses over the fact that YANTIS discharged his rifle. We don't know the circumstances yet as to that discharge, but it is TELLING to me that he completely avoids mentioning it. That right there tells you that he is not trying to give a full picture of what happened.

"Put none but Americans on guard tonight."
-George Washington