Originally Posted by NH K9
Originally Posted by AcesNeights
I don't shed any tears when the cops are ambushed or killed. Us against them.

At least your clear about your role in forwarding that rift....so long as your okay with being as responsible for the mentality at the "bad" cops in your AO, so be it.

The good cops getting killed for whatever reason (or lack of one) and their families will, likely, get along just fine without your support.


I strive to be clear. At least your (sic) clear about your role in forwarding that rift....so long as you're okay with carrying the knowledge that bad cops nationwide along with the "good" ones that never speak out against them fosters the rift. I don't consider a cop "good" just because he hasn't murdered an innocent man. I consider a cop "good" when he doesn't accept bad behavior from his blue brothers.

As for my AO, the 3 deputies around here are good and honest men. Men that I'd run to help without a second thought. Outside of my "AO" I'll watch and ignore any pleas for help.

Your taking exception to my post but not taking exception to the murder of an innocent man is precisely the attitude that I'm talking about. And yeah those killed will get along without my support. Just like Mrs. Yantis will get along without your support. Eventually, and the day is fast approaching where you boys in blue will be begging for the support of law abiding citizens like me. Unfortunately for you guys your cries for help and support will fall on deaf ears with long memories.

A little advice from a "civilian".......If you think that by virtue of cashing a government check is enough to elevate you and yours above the law, you're in for a rude awakening. You think we need you, we don't. You damn sure need "us", if for nothing else but a paycheck. Likely much much more when the day comes

�Politicians are the lowest form of life on earth. Liberal Democrats are the lowest form of politician.� �General George S. Patton, Jr.

~Molɔ̀ːn Labé Skýla~