Originally Posted by Dutch

RWE, you are nauseating. You can't see the problem, because YOU are the problem.

FIRST and FOREMOST, you have NO idea what the one, ancient, assault charge on Yantis' record was about. Then you go and insinuate that a single conviction twenty years ago is somehow equivalent to a sworn officer with three recent major proven incidents.

Who knows how many violations were kept behind the blue line?

RWE, you are worse than officer Wood. You, and your ilk behind the blue line, create pigs like him.

You are an ignorant dick.

All I ever asked was that the rules apply evenly throught out.

Show me once, just once, in this [bleep] thread where I said the cops are innocent, you [bleep] tool.

I want to see justice done in an orderly and "thought out" fashion, not your brand of ignorant frontier justice, wrought with conjecture and innuendo.

[bleep] idiot.

BTW, I'm not a cop.