Originally Posted by NH K9
Originally Posted by AcesNeights
I don't shed any tears when the cops are ambushed or killed.
At least you're clear about your role in forwarding that rift....

It's pretty easy to understand how some productive taxpayers can come to feel the way that Aces does...given the injustices that we've seen over the years at the hands of some police officers.
When an employee in the productive sector offends the company’s customer base, he can expect to the censured, sanctioned, or sacked. Customers who complain about such an employee can expect that their opinions will be listened to politely and respectfully. After all, the owners of the company are vividly aware that the public can take its business elsewhere, so retaining their loyalty is a compelling priority.
In contrast, when a police officer employed in the coercive sector alienates the public through misconduct or criminal abuse, the offended 'customers' are treated with suspicion and hostility. The public will be told to accommodate the police officer’s behavior, and the 'customers' will be sternly reminded of their duty to render unconditional loyalty to the agency employing the police officer.
Since law enforcement cannot 'go out of business', it doesn’t have to worry about public disaffection. The role of police is to distribute coercion, force, and violence on behalf of the government, and the government is the only clientele that the police have to please. When a police department is informed of officer misconduct, the institutional priority is to discredit the aggrieved 'customers', rather than to listen to their complaints.

Every day on this side of the ground is a win.