Originally Posted by Angus1895
Newborn black calves born in early august in over 100 degree Temps that fall asleep in full sun will spike Temps over 106 degree f. Some die some get permanent neurological damage. Most fall calves shoot 4 mid sept start date. I doubt the bull was "working". I also doubt there are November grazing allotments. But I am ASS U MING.

I was told the accident happened six miles N of Council. I travel that road frequently. That section is fenced but is only a mile or two from a bunch of private property which is not fenced as those property owners do not own cattle.

But the private property lies in a narrow band about a mile wide between the hiway and USFS grazing alottments. Deer hunters frequently cut the fence between the private and public lands. Such has happened twice this fall in that immediate area that I know about.

When that fence is cut the cows have free access to those unfenced properties and onto the hiway. I am frequently amazed that I do not see dead cows on that stretch of hiway on every trip through.

We had an exceptionally hot October in this area. Our grazing allotments do expire in early Oct. But the heat has made it exceedingly difficult to gather this year.

By late summer the cows are grazing at 7000 to 8000 ft altitude and we usually get snows in early to mid October which naturally push the cows out of the high country. Those snows have not happened yet, and the ranchers are still finding a few stragglers.

No one has actually stated so yet, but I strongly suspect this bull jumped a fence considering the exact area where the accident occurred.

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.