Originally Posted by AcesNeights
Originally Posted by cv540

He precipitated his own death, and won't get any tears from me.

You don't know sh.it about what happened, haven't read the articles with any meaningful comprehension, admitted you don't know and this is your response? He deserved it and the only thing better would have been if you could have killed him yourself.

You are a real sh.itbag!

Clearly you want to continue to argue. Ok, I'll bite.

I believe what I believe, based on somewhat limited information, but trying to draw logical conclusions based on what we know. I have read the articles, but it appears ISP is holding details while they investigate, which seems like a good idea.

I guess when the rancher showed up with his "never back down" attitude as quoted by those who knew him, and he deployed a rifle, the deputies should have yelled to the injured people in the Subaru "just apply direct pressure, you probably won't bleed out" and let him do the whole Bull Whisperer thing for 10 or 15 minutes.

What is your theory as to what happened?

"Put none but Americans on guard tonight."
-George Washington