Originally Posted by Starman
Originally Posted by Tyrone
LOL! Yeah, be a good person, fck like an alley cat & kill the bastard if there's a pregnancy! LOL!

Atheists have killed more people than ALL religions combined throughout our entire history!

Blaming Atheists?....It is not the Lord that giveth and taketh?....free will issued by God is what permits the wicked to kill.
surely God knew exactly how his plans would work out before the creation of the universe and mankind.

it wasn't mankind who cast down/sent Lucifer to be prince of this world, it was Gods idea with full prior knowledge of the consequences.

What If God had not made Adam so stupid so as to listen to Eve and eat the forbidden fruit?

if Adam had been fooled by the wiliest most cunning animal [snake] I could better understand... grin

I think most people understand that people die of natural causes, disease, accidents etc. this is simply the reality of life that anyone must recognize regardless of their belief system -- and all of these take place within the natural laws of science as ordained by God. Sometimes God allows the laws of cause and effect to run their course and sometimes He miraculously intervenes.

Murder, genocide, mass killings are something completely different and most reasonable people would agree--which is why we have laws against such actions. These are based on the choices of evil men acting in accordance with their will. When looking at the horrors committed in the name of religion and the horrors committed in the name of atheism a reasonable person would conclude that mankind in general has a propensity in their nature to be selfish and evil unless they curb it. A child does not need to be taught to be selfish it's inherently there--but they need to be taught self discipline and morals.

Jesus Christ was the expression of the model of a man that God has given for our lives. You will not find any record of Him committing the atrocities being noted. Man with moral religion can still be very evil (Jesus noted that), man without any moral restraint will become more evil (Atheistic Communism has proven that). Jesus has provided the answer for mankind--in dealing with their evil inclinations and giving guidance for life.

Blaming God for reality as you perceive it changes nothing about reality--reality remains the same. But when you reject God because you cannot control Him, you choose to embrace something far worse -- random meaninglessness.

Furthermore you cannot charge God of anything unless you believe in His existence--but if you believe in His existence as truly God, then you as a man cannot call Him into judgment unless you have superior knowledge to do so, otherwise it's like a little child with their limited understanding trying to dismiss the loving guidance of parents.

You blame God for giving men freewill, but then you in turn exercise that freewill to reject God. How can you logically condemn what you at the same exercise as your right? You blame God for making man stupid, but then you assume yourself to be wiser then God.

The witness to truth is both internal--from the Scriptures and also externally corroborated by world history fulfilling the prophecies of Scripture. Both are essential to study if you truly want the truth. Since Ravi is being called into question on this thread, I would note that the presentations of Ravi typically follows those principles of presenting both internal and external witnesses. To my knowledge Ravi does not use the wealth of His ministry supported by the freewill offerings of men to serve himself, but rather he uses those resources to serve others. Ultimately his ministry will be accounted for by God.

While the professing "Church" has done some horrible things through the years that did not model Christ, the "true Church," in spite of it's failures, has modeled Christ in serving and helping others with no benefit to themselves.

No matter how many times the truth is used for selfish purposes it still remains the truth. Math is always math--some people use it to swindle others and some use it to bless others--but math is still always math.

Last edited by Thunderstick; 06/25/19.