Originally Posted by scoony
Originally Posted by RickyD
Originally Posted by scoony
In early Christianity, folks were forced to convert or die. Kind of sounds sort of familiar.

In early Christianity folks were forced to hide or die for 250 years.

Still, it survived and went on to become a Roman thing with Constantine, until Martin Luther arrived on the scene and freed the Bible from demagogues who chose to exploit it.

While it was a Roman thing, it was also militarized to stop islam and succeeded in that one task, even though it became things it should have not have become.

The Bible and Christianity had not seen the light of day for a very long time and the last several centuries it can be discussed fully and openly, though lieberal demoncraps and other vile filth worthy only of Hell would have that not be as it is.

It was also a Spanish Inquisition thing where other religions such as the Jews were forced to convert to Christianity. So from the early 4th Century up to the early 1500's other religions were persecuted by Christians.

Yes including Christian's from free churches.