Originally Posted by Gus
the experiment has gone to hell.

it's every man & woman for themselve now.

that is, the aliens have extracted the info they were lookin' for.

now, the jungle, zoo, failed experiment is running on it's own, fueled by the urth.

some say only the strong survive, others say the christians are in full control of events.

others who walk amongst us claim that a ton of folks don't have a soul whatsoever. no soul?

that would mean, according to some, we were dumped down here as assault troops to civilize things?

if our job is to save things, how are we doing so far? about half way in, and the results are somewhat uncertain?

Gus,,,, is it feasible biblical Adam actually arrived via a time displacement wormhole like the T-800...?... grin

T800s "A.I." shades that of biblical Adams intelligence by far .. Adam would be downright jelous that he got
a fig leaf and unsaddled unicorn while T800 gets a set of fitted leathers and Harley.. wink

-Bulletproof and Waterproof don't mean Idiotproof.