Originally Posted by Thunderstick
..Therefore it is unscientifc to reject the evidence of science when it points to the evidence of miracles.
Miracles are divine interventions with credible witnesses. .

Can you list some credible witnesses to particular alleged divine interventions and miracles?

Who decides their credibility and by what measures/criteria?

Some sheep brain folk think that A genuine christian is someone who simply attends church.
Thats how easily some are fooled by appearances.
but is that on its own a real measure of whether one has actually received the Holy Spirit?

Then you get a whole bunch of sheep brains attending a church, and they all tell
themselves that they are christians..(and even better Christians than the myriad of other christian groups)..
...Thats how easy mob illusion and delusion / self deception takes over people who want to start 'believing'
or wishful thinking what suites them.

The ONLY one I am aware of who can genuinely and infallibly identify and credit a real Christian
will be Christ at judgement time.

-Bulletproof and Waterproof don't mean Idiotproof.