Originally Posted by Thunderstick
I notice how our moral compass is out there for all to see and critique but the skeptics have not been willing to provide what they expect from others. And they want the right to critique without the risk of an equal critique

Reading and reading and reading here. As I see it. You TS, keep coming back to one's personal morals and who has a right based upon their personal morals to judge the morals of the Bible.

And then we have a group, to which I subscribe, who seem to be saying "look the OT and the NT are contradictory at their very foundation which is the law and the morality taught therein".

What I would protest and I think I am seeing in others' writings. I am not judging either the Nt or the OT by MY morals.

But judge the OT purely by the morals of the NT, and judge the NT purely by the morals of the OT. My morals are irrelevant. I am an impartial observer. To be otherwise would not be a fair judgement.

The morals of the OT come up severely short compared to the NT in matters of love, forgiveness, and inclusiveness.

The morals of the NT come up severely short compared to the OT in matters of Law.

An impartial observer could easily conclude they were authored by two entirely different entities.

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.